Why Does Our Hair Loss?

Is There a Solution Naturally?
Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem. Especially often for women
However, if correctly diagnosed, You can control hair loss with some natural and
effective methods in recovering your hair.
Causes of Hair Loss
Similarly, almost all shampoos have a toxic effect on your immune system and
Contains Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is proven to erode hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.
It is recommended to stick to natural shampoo and paints.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Lack of key nutrients in your diet, such as zinc, copper, iron, and proteins
It may cause your hair to fall out. Another reason for hair loss is Vitamin D deficiency.
To avoid this, be sure to go outside and get some sunlight.
Hormonal Imbalance
After the age of 30, women may experience hormonal imbalance that may cause hair loss.
This is usually due to excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. Estrogen, produced by women
Although it is the main hormone it is in, other androgens such as testosterone and DHEA also occur in the female body.
When women reach a certain age, they can start converting these androgens into DHT.
Thyroid Problems
If the thyroid gland in the front of the neck produces an excess or insufficient amount of thyroid hormone
the hair growth cycle can vary. However, if you have a thyroid problem, weight gain or loss,
Other than hair loss, such as sensitivity to cold or heat and changes in heart rate
you will also notice the symptoms.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
there is a hormonal imbalance. While this generally causes the hair to grow on the face and body, the hair on the head becomes thinner.
PCOS can also cause ovulation issues, acne, and weight gain.
Birth Control Pills
It may cause thinning of the hair, especially in women with hair loss in their family. Sometimes when you stop using the pill
hair loss may occur. Other medicines associated with hair loss, blood thinners and high blood pressure, heart disease,
drugs that treat arthritis and depression.
It will reduce your chances of experiencing hair loss.
Hair styling products
Similarly, almost all shampoos have a toxic effect on your immune system and corrode hair follicles and reduce hair growth.
Contains Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), proven to inhibit It is recommended to adhere to natural shampoo and paints.
Medical Conditions
– Telogen Effluvium
All over the hair, is called general shedding. Usually we shed about 100 hairs a day, but sometimes stress, illness, medication or hormones
shedding accelerates due to Hair usually grows within six months.
– Androgenetic Alopecia
In women, the hair is usually thinner at the top, in the front, just behind the hairline, but remains thick at the back. An enzyme, male sex hormone
It causes the conversion of testosterone to another hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), causing the hair follicles to produce thinner hair until they stop.
– Alopecia Areata
An autoimmune disease that affects 2% of the population. It causes circular hair loss and can lead to complete baldness. In most cases, the hair grows back.
– Aging
As we age, the rate at which our hair grows tends to slow down. The hair strands shrink and have less pigment, and the hair becomes thinner, finer and grayer.
To keep your hair healthy, eat whole foods that help keep your body young as well as your hair. If you have early gray hair, here you
You can find natural supplements that can help.
– Genetics
Genetic hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia and is known to be the most common cause of hair loss. Gene of the mother or father of the family
but if both of your parents have hair loss, you’re more likely to have it.
Tips to Control Hair Loss
Understanding your scalp type and choosing the right shampoo is extremely important. Also, depending on your scalp, you should wash your hair. For example, her hair
Washing excessively with dry scalp can cause hair loss, or not washing oily locks three times a week can lead to the same result. Also, the shampoo will
Make sure it is not loaded with chemicals such as sulfate, parabens, and silicone, which can make it brittle and therefore prone to breakage.
A good conditioner can do wonders for your locks. It contains amino acids that help repair damaged hair and also helps keep them smooth.
Diet and Exercise
You need to feed your hair with the right foods, especially plenty of protein and iron. However, ensure that you exercise as well as a balanced diet.
Yoga and meditation are effective in reducing hair loss.
Chemical Processes
Performing meticulous hair treatments such as straightening, perm, and coloring is definitely not good for your hair. Avoid using blow dryers, curling sticks, especially on wet hair.
avoid because these really boil water in the hair shaft and make it brittle. If you really need to use a blow dryer, keep it on the lowest heat setting. That warms your hair
If you are using other products, start with a strengthening conditioner and finish with a protective spray.
Lubrication improves blood circulation and nourishes the roots. Be sure to massage your hair once a week with the right oil for your scalp.
Cover it with a shower cap and wash off with a mild shampoo after two hours.
Too many styling products
Using too many chemical-laden products on your hair can be harmful in the long run. It’s best to give them a break and try natural homemade recipes instead.
To Treat Hair Loss
Natural Remedies
Egg Mask
Eggs are rich in sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein, and together they help support hair growth.
To prepare the mask,
- Separate an egg white in a bowl and add a teaspoon of olive oil and honey each.
- Whisk to make a paste and apply everywhere from root to tip.
- After 20 minutes, rinse with a mild shampoo.
Licorice Root
This herb prevents hair loss and further hair damage. It helps to soothe the scalp and get rid of dry flakes / dandruff.
- Make a paste by adding a tablespoon of licorice root and a quarter teaspoon of saffron to a glass of milk.
- Apply this to your scalp and hair length and leave it overnight.
- Wash your hair the next morning.
- Repeat this twice a week.
Coconut Milk
The protein and essential oils in it support hair growth and also prevent hair loss.
To prepare the milk,
- Grate a medium coconut and cook for five minutes in a pan.
- Strain and cool.
- Then add a tablespoon of crushed black pepper and fenugreek seeds to the milk.
- Apply to your scalp and hair.
- Rinse off with shampoo after 20 minutes.
Green Tea
This tea is rich in antioxidants that help accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss.
- Dip two or three tea bags in one or two cups of hot water, depending on the length of your hair.
- When it cools down, gently massage your head and pour it onto your scalp and hair.
- Rinse with cold water after an hour.
Beet Juice
Beets are rich in vitamins C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine and potassium, which are essential for healthy hair growth.
It also acts as a detoxification agent, helping to keep the scalp clean.
- Boil 7-8 beet leaves and grind together with 5-6 henna leaves.
- Apply this paste to your scalp and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
Yogurt and Honey
- Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon in a bowl.
- Apply this paste to the scalp and roots using a paint brush.
- Allow it to sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
- Apply this paste once a week.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an effective natural remedy for hair loss and to accelerate hair growth.
It is also effective in reducing scalp problems such as itching and flaking.
- Take the stem of Aloe Vera and remove the pulp.
- Apply to your hair and scalp and let it sit for about 45 minutes.
- Rinse with normal water. You can do this three to four times a week for better results.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek or Methi seeds are among the most effective natural remedies to stop hair loss.
It repairs the hair follicles and helps the hair to grow back.
- Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
- Make a thin paste and apply to your hair and scalp.
- Leave the paste on your head for about 30 minutes.
- You can use a shower cap to keep your scalp moist.
- Rinse with normal water after 30 to 40 minutes.
- You don’t need to use any shampoo.
- Do it twice a week to control hair loss.
Onion Juice
While the antibacterial properties of onion help fight scalp infections,
Its sulfur content improves blood circulation to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and controls hair loss.
- To extract the onion juice, grind the onion and then squeeze out the juice.
- Dip a cotton ball in onion juice and apply it to your scalp.
- Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash off using normal water and a mild shampoo.
- Perform this procedure once a week and see the difference.
Diet for Healthy Hair
The main cause of hair loss is iron deficiency. Spinach is not only a great source of iron, but also vitamin A, C, and protein.
It also contains sebum, which acts as a natural conditioner for hair and provides us with omega-3 acids, magnesium, potassium and calcium. They are healthy
helps maintain a scalp and shiny hair.
Carrots, known to be good for the eyes, contain Vitamin A that also improves hair growth. Vitamin A deficiency can cause dry and itchy scalp.
Carrots increase hair thickness, shine hair, improve blood circulation, strengthen hair, protect from external damage such as pollution and
It is also known to help prevent hair breakage and hair loss.
Since hair consists of 68 percent keratin protein, eggs help rebuild damaged hair.
They are also rich in a B vitamin called biotin that helps hair growth.
Oats are rich in fiber, zinc, iron, omega-6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that stimulate hair growth and make your hair thick and healthy.
Walnuts contain biotin, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9), vitamin E, plenty of protein and magnesium, which strengthen the hair cuticles and nourish the scalp. It helps protect your cells from DNA damage that can be caused by sun exposure.
Lentils are a great source of protein, iron, zinc and biotin. It also provides much needed oxygen to the skin and scalp.
They are loaded with folic acid, which is essential to restore the health of red blood cells.
Lean meats like chicken or turkey are rich in high-quality protein that strengthens brittle hair and prevents breakage.
Yogurt is packed with vitamin B5 and vitamin D, which are known to support hair follicle health.
Sweet Potato
Beta carotene protects against dry and dull hair and stimulates the glands in your scalp to form an oily liquid called sebum. Carrots, squash, melon, mango, and sweet potato
Orange-colored fruits and vegetables are a great source of this.
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Hair Care Tips for Healthy Locks
Regular Clips
Hair tends to be the most damaged part near the ends, and a trim every six to eight weeks can help resolve your troubles.
Damaged hair has a straw-like texture and can be trimmed to promote growth and remove split ends.
Stress is one of the main causes of many health problems, including hair loss. It can also disrupt the hair growth process and cause premature graying.
Again, regular meditation and yoga can be a good stress breaker.
Avoid Taking Hot Showers
As relaxing as hot showers are, they dry the hair strands (just like the skin) and exfoliate the scalp of its natural oils, resulting in dry, brittle hair that is more prone to breakage.
Instead, opt for lukewarm water and try to rinse the hair at the coldest temperature.
Combing Wet Hair
Our threads are never that brittle and tend to break when wet. Therefore, using a wide toothed comb before any styling form or by air
It is important to let it dry.
Wearing Tight Hairstyles
Pulling your hair too tightly at the roots will cause damage and should therefore be avoided. Also, it is best not to tie your hair tight while sleeping.